Avis à Manifestations d’Intérêts pour la fourniture des Services de conseil pour l’audit de conformité environnementale et sociale dans le cadre du projet ISSUWSSSD, Angola
Water and Sanitation Sector
Financing Agreement reference: 2000130013430
Project ID No.: P-AO-E00-005
The Government of Angola (GoA) has received financing from the African Development Bank toward the cost of the Institutional and Sustainability Support to Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Service Delivery Project (ISSWUSSSDP), and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this loan to payments under the contract for Consultancy Service for Environmental & Social Compliance Audit (C042A-ISSUWSSSD/23).
The main objectives of the service are to carry out Annual Environmental Auditing for Year 2023 and 2024 of the Project INSTITUTIONAL AND SUSTAINABILITY SUPPORT TO URBAN
WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION SERVICE DELIVERY PROJECT (ISSWUSSSDP) which is being implemented by National Directorate of Water of Angola. The Project planned to closed in December 31st 2024 and the Annual Auding shall cover will be
From January 1st to December 31st, 2023
From January 1st to December 31st, 2024
The services to be provided under the assignment include but are not limited to the following:
- Identify Bank ISS requirements relevant to the project, including social risks (GBV/SEAH, Forced Labour, Child Labour, Modern Slavery, etc.), vulnerability/adaptation to climate change.
- Identify the applicable Angolan legislation, regulations, norms, standards and procedures, including national legal Authorization, Permits and Certificates required prior to actions. Mostly those documents are in Portuguese language.
- Analyse available reports on the project including the project appraisal report, the Loan agreement, the project periodic implementation reports, the aide-memoires, the previous audit reports, any relevant documentation and records available and necessary for the assessment of the project E&S performance.
- Organize an opening meeting with the project’s Implementation Agency, Contractor, Consultant and others stakeholders as applicable.
- Organize an opening meeting with the bank
- Determine and agree on the scope, methodology and specific set of criteria for the compliance audit with the Project Implementation Entity.
- Update/analyse the actual/effective capacity of the project team (borrower/client) in relation to the management and monitoring implementation of agreed mitigation measures and related E&S documents applicable to the project.
- Hold consultation(s) with the relevant regulatory agencies and stakeholders (including but not limited to the project implementation unit (PIU), local beneficiaries, project affected persons, civil society, government ministries, and contractors), on the status of the project with respect to identified E&S risks and impacts as well as planned and implemented mitigation measures and legal permits.
- Carry out project site inspections to assess project implementation of the environmental and social risks and impacts management activities, including the performance of the contractors and supervising engineers, and the residual/unforeseen environmental and social risks and impacts.
- Evaluate the overall performance of the borrower and that of the project coordination unit
- To assess the Bank’s performance in terms of the effectiveness and quality of the assistance it has provided to the borrower, whenever necessary
The E&S External Auditor assignment shall be for a period of 1 Year with total of average 40 days total input (20 days for each year Annual Auditing). Audit mission to the project shall take place in 1st Quarter of 2024 for Annual Auding of Year 2023 and 3rd Quarter of Year 2024 for Annual Audit of Year 2024.
The Ministry of Energy and Water (MINEA), through the National Water Directorate (DNA), now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested individual consultants must send their CV providing information demonstrating that they are qualified to perform the services, namely their qualifications and experience, their ability to undertake this assignment (reference to similar services, experience in similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability, etc.). Required qualifications & experience and evaluation criteria include:
- General Qualification and Experience (20 Points)
- At least a master’s degree in environmental and social management disciplines; (10 Points) b) A minimum of 10 (ten) years of experience in the broad areas of environmental and social assessment and, in environment management and monitoring; (10 Points)
- Adequacy for the Assignment (60 Points)
- Specific experience in environmental auditing for at least two projects financed by ADB or World Bank.; (40 Points)
- experience in preparing and/or managing the implementation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA), Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP), Resettlement Action Plans (RAP) of projects financed by AfDB or other international financing institutions; (20 Points)
- Experience in the Region and Language (20 Points)
- at least two (2) years’ experience in Sub-Saharan Africa. Experience in the project host country would be an added advantage; (10 Points)
- Fluency in Portuguese language and working knowledge of English language is mandatory. (10 Points)
Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s “Rules and Procedures for the use of Consultants” May 2008 edition, revised July 2012, which is available on the Bank’s website at http://www.afdb.org.
Interested individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours, from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Expressions of interest must be delivered by email or to the address below by December 15, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. (Local Angola Time) and mention “Expression of Interest for Consultancy Service for Environmental & Social Compliance Audit (C042A-ISSUWSSSD/23)”.
National Directorate of Water (DNA)
Attention: Mrs. Elsa Ramos
Street Address: Rua Via 8, Condomínio Marbelas Residencial – Dolce Vita.
Bairro Talatona
Municipality of Belas
Luanda, Angola
E-mail: dna.adb2@gmail.com